Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Recording star

When we were in Texas, Larry and I went to a recording studio to take advantage of a special low price they were offering.
We made a CD of

17 songs-solos, duets and 2 of Larry accompanying himself on the guitar. It was a lot of fun. All the songs were done one time, no retakes, which would have added to the price. So I hope our grandchildren will forgive the mistakes. I would love to have a recording of my parents and/ or grandparents-heck- any forbears voices. Larry has a recording of his father singing and playing several instruments. It's great even the mistakes, on amateur recording equipment.
I took the kids today to Walmart to buy toys with the money they had earned and played the CD on the way there and home. They sang along to some of the songs and Boy!, I was quietly tickled pink.

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