Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Recording star

When we were in Texas, Larry and I went to a recording studio to take advantage of a special low price they were offering.
We made a CD of

17 songs-solos, duets and 2 of Larry accompanying himself on the guitar. It was a lot of fun. All the songs were done one time, no retakes, which would have added to the price. So I hope our grandchildren will forgive the mistakes. I would love to have a recording of my parents and/ or grandparents-heck- any forbears voices. Larry has a recording of his father singing and playing several instruments. It's great even the mistakes, on amateur recording equipment.
I took the kids today to Walmart to buy toys with the money they had earned and played the CD on the way there and home. They sang along to some of the songs and Boy!, I was quietly tickled pink.


I struggle with greens. No, not kale or Swiss chard. Painting greens. grass, leaves, etc.
Some artists wouldn't think of using greens out of the tube. They make their own from blues and yellows.
I have made charts mixing assorted blues and yellows and charts using tube greens adding white or red. The thing about tube greens such as sap green is it is bright which is good when you want an eye popping fresh green. Using a touch of cadmium red lt. dampens the vivacity yet retains a low-key hum. Somehow I am missing the atmospheric color I am looking for. Suggestions?

Hitchcock Art Group

The Hitchcock Art Group meets one day a week from 9 to 12 at the old Hitchcock Academy in Brimfield, Mass to paint or draw in the company of fellow artists.
Techniques and ideas and light critiquing are exchanged casually. In summer they meet plein aire.
By 10:30 AM someone- usually the same person, says 'Where are we going for lunch?'
It is a tourist area but there aren't many convenient and worthwhile places to eat. I don't get why eating establishments want to offer dull, tasteless, poorly presented food and why do they have repeat customers? Do these customers get worse fare at home? Eating out isn't cheap. Consider the length of time you have to work to pay for the check.
The conversation is interesting. These people have done and been many exotic places. This last time one of the members talked about living on a small Fiji island in the South Pacific for three years painting, fishing and sailing. Ahhhh.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

In Search of

The cover and 3 illustrations are done for my children's book -first in a series about my pet and his adventures. I would love to say more but advice from the books I have read on writing says people will take your ideas and publish them first. Boo.
I have sent manuscripts to 3 publishers so far,waiting the recommended 3 months in between time and have heard nothing. So I assume they have chucked it and I will move on to the next likely publisher who fits the bill. That is, who will accept un-agented material. Time is marching on.
Several stories in the series are undercover awaiting their chance in the sun.
Oh, that an agent would read this and seize the opportunity to represent the next hero of children's literature.