Thursday, December 13, 2012

Something is gobbling Savannah

Something is gobbling up Savannah buildings and fast. It is taking over abandoned buildings and repurposing (I dislike that popular expression) them to suit it's needs. The first building this monster took over in 1978 was the historic 1892 Savannah Volunteer Guard Armory which is now nominated to be on the National Registration of Historic Places. It is now renamed for one of the founders Poetter Hall and is used for classrooms and administration. The monster is called SCAD Savannah College of Art and Design. Suddenly it is huge and spread all over the city. It has done amazing reconstruction and has made Savannah a fascinating city humming with creativity and sizzling with activity and inspiration. This university attracts students all over the U.S. and abroad offering degree programs and especially career prep. for various art pursuits incl. urban development.
 " The university confers Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine 

Arts, Master of Architecture, Master of Arts, Master of Arts in

Teaching, Master of Fine Arts and Master of Urban Design

 degrees, as well as undergraduate and graduate certificates"

Beside the stunning architecture of old Savannah there is a
 new reason to visit this grande dame. And, Savannah can be 
grateful to another woman beside Paula Deane,
Paula Wallace.
 Paula Wallace also outreaches into the
 community with events, exhibitions, very well attended movie award weekends. SCAD  includes Atlanta, Hong Kong, Lacoste and e-learning.
Check it out on line

Take a lesson MassArt.