I decided to get rid of the wires and bought a sensible PC , I don't do games. In just a few years much has been improved. It's like having a new car. Lots of stuff to explore.
The fields here on the farm are looking like Eden. I go into the cooler and see what I am having for supper. I have a bigger selection than a grocery store. I wish summer wasn't so short.
Corn is never stored so if I don't pick it myself or get out to the barn early morning, I don't get any. Pickled pint jars of my favorite beets, the long red Forano. Also, put up many 1/2 pts of raspberry jam. I took out half the seeds and it's like raspberry pudding. Lovely on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In my opinion, comfort food such as Wonder bread or equivalent is compulsory for a PB&J. Excellent whole grain bread steals the flavor f the add-ons. It is a retro sandwich after all. Reeks of the 40s and 50s right along with bobby sox, cuffed dungarees, and my father's shirt. After that era I wore brown pin-wale corduroys, button-down oxford, Shetland pullover, a corduroy blazer and Capezios.