It has been said that home is--when you go there they have to let you in. Also said: Home is where you hang your hat. Nope. Home is comfort. It's a place to nestle in to. It smells right. Living in a rehab facility is bearable if you know you're going home soon. I got well as soon as I could sleep most of the night. Sleep is so healing. Being out of commission with a broken leg in a non weight bearing cast slowed me down and put all those projects I had on hold. Making every day count-a Yankee maxim- doesn't mean you have to keep all your tops spinning at once. One good top spinning on course is good and productive.
I have found a publisher that has a good rating. I have read a number of books on self publishing vs traditional publishing. A writer can wait a year or more once accepted for their book to appear in print after they have been accepted by a traditional publisher. Hey, I don't want to wait that long. I am tired of sending out manuscripts and waiting the usual three months for no reply. Not even a thanks/no thanks or have an apple. I think I should try to estimate how many books I can sell before I go ahead. I need to be pretty sure of covering the price of publishing plus the printing cost of each book. My estimate is $1600 +- for publishing and $3.50 a book for printing. I will work this all out and tell you what I find.
Week 1, 2017
7 years ago