We moved pretty quickly North keeping just ahead of the tornadoes. Insecurity is overnighting it in a motor home during a tornado alert. We did encounter high winds and were deluged with rain on several occasions. In Virginia, one of the most interesting and beautiful states we have visited, we spent two nights in Louisa so we could see what they have done to Madison's Monticello. A few years ago the interior was torn apart to return it to its state during the time Dolley and James lived there. Still not much furniture but the walls were finished and token pieces loaned by Colonial Williamsburg to give dimension to the rooms. They have a good visitors center with a movie giving the history. Madison deserves his share of top billing with our Founding Fathers. Also, he took notes during the secret sessions of discussions while they were writing our constitution. The only notes that were saved! We can see how they arrived at The Document as it stands.
I recommend, while you are in the area, The Hunt Country Deli on the outskirts of Charlottesville. They make great sandwiches and salads. Stop in for a cup of coffee and... sit out on the patio, check out the map of the area painted on the wall and tell Nancy the owner operator that Aunt Susan sent you. The deli,aptly named, it is in the gorgeous rolling hills of the wine and horse farm region with the palatial homes and grazing ponies dotting the meadows and wide angle views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Anyone remember the old song-In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, on the trail of the lonesome pine...?